Monday, September 7, 2009;2:09 PM Y
random picture. LOL!
zomg i wonder if u guys still check this blog but hope everyone's doing well in school now! and we should meet up soon yea? hahahaha
Lunch on thursday 11am at the deck (arts canteen) !
see you guys around and take care okay! MUAHAHAHHA.
cheers, welfare leader (: LOL!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009;3:59 PM Y
we might be changing raindrops to suan tian (sour sweet in english) by SHE (HOHO!) and fei lun hai. shall discuss it again on friday/saturday!
thank you kaili for writing the scores for suan tian =) she'll be printing copies for all of us so thank you once again!
and we should really thank krystal for staying back on monday to learn the piano part!
this friday prac is in school at 6.30pm! give me yr thaipan orders!
saturday prac also in school, 3.30pm at concourse.
see you people!
oh ya, if u wan the song suan tian, ask from ant online thanks!
Monday, March 9, 2009;10:37 PM Y
AH ge wei. paiseh!
okay prac times are changing to:
FRIDAY 7pm (at ant's house/school, we'll see how.)
SATURDAY 3pm at vjc. (may be pushed earlier!)
for this week, 14 mar and 15 mar got no prac cuz of open house, but friday prac still on!
Saturday, March 7, 2009;11:55 PM Y
just a repeated notice about the practice issues (everyone received linying's sms right? haha)
so practice dates are set on:
every friday 7pm and
every sunday 1pm (subjected to pushing back.)
for now saturdays are off because of open house so we'll see how everything goes after that.
try to come for at least one prac per week la ya? LOL.
if u cant make it on either dates, please arrange with ant.
thanks people. cya ard!
Monday, February 23, 2009;10:32 PM Y
HEY! raindrops score is up!
There's a mistake in di yi tian's score, page 2 line 3! for section 2 it should be: 343342 and for section 3 it should be: 34134 low7
yup paiseh about that.
split u guys into section le!
section 1: Lynn pork, Kai Li, Jinci and Ant
section 2: Pearlyn, Yanru and Linying
section 3: Han Chen, ShuLing and Liting
Note that for raindrops right, dun follow yr sections above.
Yanru. pearlyn and linying play section 1.
Han Chen, Shuling and Liting play section 2.
Lynn KaiLi Jinci and Ant play section 3.
if right the melody line not loud enough then maybe can transfer people to go play melody line from the 4 people group.
Prac time most likely saturday noon! next week maybe i confirm alright? then weekday group we see how again k, cuz cant really fit.
thanks ge wei =)
oh ya i tried playing the songs at high speed today. LOL! not easy la really. certain parts. haha. jiayou
Sunday, February 22, 2009;10:50 PM Y
paiseh ge wei! got mistake in the score! first page of love*3, 4th line - 565112 not 565111
Saturday, February 21, 2009;8:42 PM Y
HERE ARE THE SCORES! paiseh paiseh. and raindrops must wait k. jinci writting!
LOVE*3 page 1
LOVE*3 page 2
FIRST DAY page 1
FIRST DAY page 2
FIRST DAY page 3
i think prac will start in march! give me some time to collate the days that fit most people k. paiseh. will have to split u guys into sections also too!(will be random).
so for now if when u're free, go listen to the three songs (those who dun have rmb to ask from me.) cuz scores no beat so have to listen carefully to the songs k!
those who wan hear the piano part, i can send u guys also, just ask me online. those who haven added me on msn:
think that's all for now! thanks and cya!
HEY SORRY SORRY that the scores are not up yet. HAHAH. it'll be up by this weekend k! sorry!
Friday, February 20, 2009;1:34 AM Y
Hey will scan the scores and put them up here ya? then if u cant print or sth tell me (ant) then i snail mail to your house.HAHAHA.
see u guys soon!
Monday, February 16, 2009;10:11 PM Y
okay you voted, you polled, you decide (LOL!!)
so we chose base on votes and other factors, 4 songs (we didn't talk about the fifth song for some reason) and they are:
4. LOVE*3
then we were thinking of incorporating mass dance song inside if possible. see how everything goes. everything is subjected to changes depending on how the songs sound on harmoc and the scores and stuff!
Jinci and ant will be meeting up at jinci's house on thursday to settle the scores (感谢 Jinci)
Pianist most prob is krystal! so thank you krystal also. HAHHAHA.
check out the blog more often k! for updates. =)
oh ya, we'll probably prac once in a fortnight, so must self prac k =) busy and tiring but i guess it's all worth it. =)
see you guys around!